Doug Crim Presents at Annual ICLE Conference on COVID Returning to Work Issues
Doug Crim presented at the annual Institute for Continuing Legal Education (ICLE) Conference in April. Doug participated in the program: “Returning to Work: Dealing with Reluctant Employees and Safety Issues.” Doug participated in the program with Antoinette S. Porter, Corporate Counsel, DTE Energy, and Thomas L. Kent, University of Michigan Office of the VP and General Counsel.
The program covered various topics including remote work, returning to work, and employer requirements for returning to work. Doug’s presentation included information on employer compliance with MIOSHA Emergency Rules, the MIOSHA General Duty Clause, Employer COVID-19 Preparedness & Response Plans, Michigan Occupational Safety & Health Act amendment providing employers with limited COVID liability protection, responding to employee COVID complaints, and MIOSHA COVID enforcement and issues relating to vaccines.